Pioneer Public Health Consultants, USA

Experts in Community and Global Health 



Across the world public health institutions share a common vision —to implement preventive measures, reduce burden of diseases and improve health and quality of life of populations.

Our Vision

The vision of PPHC, USA is optimum health for all through collaboration and partnership.

Our Mission

Our mission is to offer the public access to our pool of experts to assist others to plan, create, manage and sustain organizations, programs, or projects designed to prevent, control or eradicate disease and reduce human sufferings locally and across the globe.


Pioneer Public Health Consultants (PPHC), USA,

PPHC,USA was founded in 2012 by a group of public health consultants who gathered to focus on the problems being faced by the underserved humanity. These envisioned public health consultants delved in the areas concerned with most human sufferings, working on high maternal morbidity and mortality, high infant mortality, equitable access to health, safe drinking water and pollution free environment.
We collaborate with public and private organizations, communities and public health associations offering our relentless services on various global health issues, health services management, public health training, grant writing, clinical trials and health outcome research, health technology, and public and private tax payers.

Our success is the result of a constant, unrelenting focus on the needs of our clients. Our commitment to excellence and our belief in the strength of a team-based approach to the delivery of our services offers an atmosphere of innovative and creative thinking.
Our clients are our partners in business and we are committed to adhering to their needs through aligning the skills and capabilities of our experts to respond to those needs. Our hallmark is that we are diligent in providing the same level of commitment to each client.